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A smile is the prettiest thing you can wear
Located In East Jordan, MI    231-536-2601

Sleep Apnea Treatment

Located In East Jordan, MI  231-536-2601
Located In East Jordan, MI
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Sleep Apnea Treatment

There's more to sleep care than ending snoring. Yes, snoring can be a disruption in the bedroom. It’s time to recognize that there’s a lot more to snoring than a nuisance at night.

Sleep-related dental problems such as GERD (heartburn/acid reflux) and bruxism (teeth grinding) may be signs of more serious health risks, including stroke, heart disease, arrhythmia, and esophageal cancer. Plus, there are proven links between lack of sleep and a host of problematic symptoms, including depression, memory loss, hypertension, and weight gain.

We offer a variety of sleep apnea devices which assist in opening your airway. Coupled with a sleep study, we can be part of your team to help you have a better night's sleep and higher quality of life.
Sleep apnea care
Most Insurance Plans Accepted 
Call 231-536-2601
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